“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
Contribution to NATO-led Operations

Proceeding from the indivisibility of security, Azerbaijan participates in the NATO-led peace support operations which are sanctioned by the UN Security Council resolutions. Azerbaijan participated in the NATO’s KFOR operation in 1999-2008. Azerbaijan also contributed to the NATO-led ISAF operation in Afghanistan during 2002-2014.

Azerbaijan has been participating in the NATO’s Resolute Support Training, Advice and Assistance Mission (RSM) in Afghanistan since 1st January 2015 after the completion of ISAF. In January 2018, Azerbaijan increased the number of its peacekeepers in the RSM Mission from 94 to 120 servicemen, including 6 officers, who are represented at various headquarters of the RSM Mission, and also 2 military doctors.

Azerbaijan continue its significant transit support for the needs of the RSM. The recently inaugurated Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway greatly improves the ability of Afghanistan to access the world markets, and facilitates smooth transit in support of the RSM.

Azerbaijan has made substantial donations to the Afghanistan National Army (ANA) Trust Fund and continues its support to this Fund in line with the pledges made.

The Government of Azerbaijan and NATO have been co-organizing workshops and courses on “Civilian Oversight of the Armed Forces” for senior and mid-level Afghan officials since 2014. The last workshop on this subject was held on 17-21 September, 2018 at ADA University, Baku.

Azerbaijan actively participates in all relevant international political processes aimed at promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan. In 2017, Azerbaijan held co-chairmanship of the “Heart of Asia” process. On 28 June 2018, Azerbaijan hosted the meeting of International Contact Group on Afghanistan.

Furthermore, Azerbaijan implements various bilateral assistance and cooperation programs, including military assistance for amount of millions of US dollars. The State Security Service, State Border Service, ADA University and other relevant agencies and institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan have organized different training courses for the government representatives of Afghanistan on counter terrorism, border security, good governance etc. In addition, Azerbaijan expressed its readiness to train Afghan cadets in military educational institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the framework of the bilateral cooperation.

Afghanistan is successfully applying Azerbaijan’s practice of “one stop shop” public service centers of “ASAN Khedmat ”.

Moreover, ANAMA provided active support to humanitarian mine action in Afghanistan. ANAMA conducted trainings and mentoring for Afghan experts on mine clearance, donated office equipment, printed and delivered books and manuals for schools on mine awareness.

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