“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
Operational Capabilities Concept (OCC)

Azerbaijan has been steadfastly advancing its military interoperability with NATO forces by leveraging the Operational Capability Concept (OCC) Evaluation and Feedback (E&F) program. This versatile military tool fosters close operational relationships between NATO and its partner countries, supporting the development of forces that are fully interoperable and operationally capable, aligned with NATO standards and procedures.

Since joining the OCC program in 2006, Azerbaijan has made significant progress and has established several military units to be included in the OCC process. These units have successfully met the required evaluations and have received NATO certification.

Azerbaijan also places great importance on developing a pool of national evaluators. Azerbaijani officers participate in OCC evaluation courses and evaluations in other partner nations. As part of NATO’s OCC pool of experts, Azerbaijani officers are often invited to serve as evaluators and team leaders in partner countries, where they provide assistance and share their expertise. The OCC E&F program also facilitates the secondment of Azerbaijani officers to OCC staff positions within the NATO Command Structure. Currently, many Azerbaijani PSP officers serve in OCC-related roles at various NATO Headquarters.

Through continued participation in the OCC program, Azerbaijan is not only enhancing its interoperability with NATO forces but also fostering stronger ties with Allied forces. This engagement underscores Azerbaijan's commitment to maintaining high standards of operational readiness and interoperability within the Euro-Atlantic security framework.


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