“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
Military Interoperability of Forces with NATO

In 1997 Azerbaijan joined PfP Planning and Review Process (PARP) aiming at providing a basis for defence and force planning in accordance with NATO standards and procedures, achieving interoperability with Allied forces, particularly, identifying forces and capabilities that might be available for multinational training, exercises and operations. In order to achieve these objectives, set up in PARP framework and make forces available for PfP training and exercises and NATO-led peace support operations, the same year of 1997 MOD of Azerbaijan established peacekeeping unit.

Since then PARP has been playing an essential role in providing NATO’s recommendations, support and guidance in the field of defence and force planning. Every year, Azerbaijan, together with NATO experts and Allies review and further develop the set of Partnership Goals to support current national military goals and defence objectives. The number of Partnership Goals accepted by Azerbaijan has been increasing steadily since 1997 and usually, the package includes up to 40 Partnership Goals that covers a wide range of military and defence aspects and serves as the fundamental basis for units dedicated for peacekeeping operations.

Successful participation of Azerbaijan in the PARP process resulted in the establishment of the Peacekeeping Battalion in 2003. Currently, the establishment of Peacekeeping Brigade that can sustain an entire infantry battalion on operations including full combat support and combat service support, is well underway. The majority of designated forces for participation in NATO-led PfP operations is ready. These guarantee further acceptance and implementation of new Partnership Goals.

Regular meetings within the PARP framework have enabled Azerbaijan to develop defense planning practices rooted in NATO’s extensive knowledge and experience. This ongoing collaboration not only enhances Azerbaijan’s military capabilities but also solidifies its role as a reliable partner in international peacekeeping and security efforts.

Through its commitment to the PARP process, Azerbaijan has demonstrated a consistent and proactive approach to defense modernization and international cooperation, paving the way for a stronger, more interoperable military force ready to contribute to global peace and stability.


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