“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
Education and Training

Azerbaijan places special emphasis on improving the training and education of its Armed Forces. Within the framework of cooperation programs with NATO and Allied nations, significant strides have been made by the Ministry of Defense (MOD) to elevate military training and education standards.

Key objectives of the Azerbaijan-NATO partnership focus on integrating NATO standards into the national military training and education system. As a long-term goal, this initiative includes modifying national military training programs and curricula to align with NATO standards, encompassing basic, tactical, operational, and strategic level courses, as well as Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) training.

To further embed NATO standards in education and training, the MOD has sought support from NATO’s International Staff to enhance specific areas of the national military training and education system. Since 2008, Azerbaijan has been improving its professional military education system with the assistance of the NATO Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP).

DEEP provides tailored, practical support for developing and reforming Azerbaijan's professional military education system, thereby fostering comprehensive defense reforms. The program currently focuses on curriculum and faculty development at the newly established National Defence University. Additionally, under the DEEP initiative, Azerbaijan is incorporating NATO’s Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) experiences to ensure that its education and training systems are both effective and efficient, reflecting the latest academic and industry advancements.

Through this robust cooperation with NATO, Azerbaijan is not only advancing its military training and education but also strengthening its defense capabilities in line with international standards. This collaboration underscores Azerbaijan's commitment to maintaining high levels of operational readiness and interoperability within the Euro-Atlantic security framework.


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