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Mətbuat şərhi 16 sentyabr 2016

Mr. Gazanfar AHMADOV, Director of Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Actions visited NATO HQ in Brussels and NATO Support Agency (NSPA) in Capellen, Luxembourg on September 15-16

Mr. Gazanfar AHMADOV, Director of Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Actions visited NATO HQ in Brussels and NATO Support Agency (NSPA) in Capellen, Luxembourg on September 15-16.


Mr. Ahmadov delivered a speech at the meeting of Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and Mine Action of NATO’s Partnerships and Cooperative Security Committee in Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) format. He informed the Committee members about the overall activities of ANAMA in clearance of mines and explosive ordnances in Azerbaijan and beyond its territories, the status of finalized and ongoing projects implemented jointly with NATO and the future engagement opportunities with the Alliance.


Mr. Ahmadov also held bilateral meetings with senior NATO officials, including Allied Ambassadors and other representatives.


Furthermore, during the visit to NSPA, Mr. Ahmadov met Mr. Peter Dohmen, General Manager of NSPA who has recently been appointed and started his duties in office as of 1st September, 2016. Mr. Ahmadov delivered brief information about the relations between Azerbaijan and NSPA which has been instrumental and practical in addressing humanitarian mine clearance and elimination of explosive ordnances left after the collapse of Soviet Union in Saloglu and Jeyranchol regions of Azerbaijan. In this regard, the parties praised the positive outcomes of such projects which have significantly contributed to the elimination of hazardous materials and consequently, to the agricultural productivity of the cleared lands.  


Furthermore, the General Manager and the members of his staff provided an updated overview of the full range of NSPA’s products and services available to Azerbaijan. The visit provided an opportunity for both Azerbaijan and NSPA to explore potential ways to expand their business with each other. 



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