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RT @AzmissionUN: Deputy Foreign Minister of #Azerbaijan Mr. Fariz Rzayev at today's UN SC open debate: “We call upon #Armenia to end its…
RT @AzerbaijanMFA: Today, as a result of #Armenia-planted landmine explosion in #Kalbajar, 4 civilian workers were severely injured. Moreov…
RT @presidentaz: 40 percent of the works on the railway line and 70 percent on the highway have been completed in the section of the Zangaz…
RT @AzmissionUN: Deputy Foreign Minister of #Azerbaijan Mr. Fariz Rzayev at today's UN SC open debate: “We call upon #Armenia to end its…
RT @presidentaz: The Shusha Declaration signed with Turkiye last year elevated our relations to the level of strategic alliance. In 2017 th…
RT @AzerbaijanMFA: Today, as a result of #Armenia-planted landmine explosion in #Kalbajar, 4 civilian workers were severely injured. Moreov…

Azərbaycan Respublikasının Xarici İşlər Nazirinin müavini Fariz Rzayevin rəhbərlik etdiyi nümayəndə heyətinin Vaşinqtona səfəri barədə mətbuat məlumatı ⬇️https://t.co/faIm0NDz3w
Today, as a result of #Armenia-planted landmine explosion in #Kalbajar, 4 civilian workers were severely injured. Moreover, 1 ensign died and 3 soldiers wounded. Number of mine victims since the end of 2020-war reached 2️⃣7️⃣6️⃣. Armenia’s impunity leads to new crimes!
Commentary of the Press Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia dated December 13, 2022 ⬇️ https://t.co/yHAi4ccPeZ
Bu gün, #Azərbaycan xalqının ümummilli lideri Heydər Əliyevin vəfatından 19 il ötür. Görkəmli dövlət xadimi, müstəqil və müasir Azərbaycanın qurucusu, ulu öndər Heydər Əliyevin əziz xatirəsini dərin hörmət və ehtiramla yad edirik. Allah rəhmət eləsin. 🇦🇿 https://t.co/ESFQjr7PFV
Pleased to meet w/@MinisterIanBorg, Minister for Foreign & EU Affairs & Trade of #Malta 🇲🇹 on the sidelines of #EasternPartnership ministerial meeting. Bilateral & multilateral cooperation btw 🇦🇿-🇲🇹 in various areas was discussed. Informed about post-conflict situation in region. https://t.co/u1c4snD5zP
Glad to meet w/@JoaoCravinho, Minister for Foreign Affairs of #Portugal in the margins of #EasternPartnership ministerial meeting. A fruitful cooperation in the fields of economy,trade & energy security was highlighted. Briefed my counterpart on post-conflict situation in region. https://t.co/QYwae56rbb

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